Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Real OZ

By Rich Schefren

All along their journey, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion hear about the great and powerful Oz.

If only they can reach him... All their deepest wishes will be granted.

They brave the Wicked Witch of the West... and flying monkeys... and sleep-inducing poppies to see him. And when they finally reach the Emerald City, Oz is just as fearsome as they imagined, with a booming voice and a giant head shrouded in smoke.

I'm talking, of course, about the cinema classic The Wizard of Oz.

You've seen it. So you already know what happens next to poor Dorothy and crew.

While they're all quaking in their boots (or ruby slippers, as it were) Dorothy's little dog, Toto, tugs at a side curtain to reveal the REAL Oz - a stocky little fellow with a bushy moustache and a bit of a stutter.

I caught this scene again recently while my daughters were watching the movie on DVD. (My youngest loves it, though she's a little scared of The Wicked Witch. And it got me thinking...

All of the most successful people I know in the Internet marketing business have their own "man behind the curtain." That person takes care of everything behind the scenes, making sure the business is running smoothly on all cylinders and not missing a beat. And he's vital to its success.

I've got my own version right here at Strategic Profits. He's my COO and partner, Brian Johnson.

If you've ever been to one of my events and seen a pale, dark-headed guy running to and fro with a walkie-talkie and a look of complete exhaustion, that would be Brian. Brian's involved in every decision we make, and his tireless efforts and pit-bull tenacity have played a major role in the success of Strategic Profits.

While I'm doing my work as the "face" of the company, I trust Brian to take care of everything else. Basically, all the stuff involved in day-to-day operations falls on his plate first. And I must say, he does a phenomenal job. I honestly don't know where I'd be without him.

As I said, all the top people I know in this business have their own Man (or Gal) Friday.

People like Mike Filsaime, who's got Tom Beal... Jay Abraham, who has Spike Humer... and Jeff Walker, who has Jon Walker. But that's just to name a few. Many others work tirelessly behind the scenes to help generate multi-millions for their companies.

So what does this mean to you?

That's easy. You should already be thinking about adding someone like this to your own business.

I know, I know. You're saying, "I'm just a one-man show, Rich. How can I add somebody to the mix when I'm struggling to make ends meet as it is?"

A while back, I asked the Internet marketing household names who "appeared" on a conference call what their biggest constraint had been in growing their businesses, the overwhelming majority made this confession:

"I was trying to do it all myself. And burning out quickly."

It wasn't until they started hiring people - beginning with a "man behind the curtain" - that they experienced the tremendous growth and prosperity that put them over the top.

Now, most of them have a full staff to do all the annoying busywork that was holding them back. Which means they can concentrate on the most important matter at hand: making more money. And to say it's worked out very well for them would be an understatement.

But don't rush to hire the first person you come across. Here are a few suggestions for finding a winner...

* Make Sure You're Compatible With Each Other

This is very important. Remember - you'll be spending an extraordinary amount of time together, so you need to be able to communicate without cringing. And even if the person comes highly recommended with a long list of top-level experiences, none of that will matter one iota if you can't stand being in the same room with him.

* Get References - and Lots of Them

You don't know this person, but his friends and former employers do. So make sure you talk to them before pulling the trigger. Find out about his work habits and personal issues. Ask how he resolves conflict and why he left his former position. Because, believe it or not, people have been known to stretch the truth on a resume. So dig deep. You'll be surprised by what you find.

* Establish a Trial Period Before Hiring

In the marketing world, what do we do when we have a brand-new campaign? We TEST it. Hiring a right-hand person is no different. Make sure he knows he's working on a trial basis (90 days is usually enough) and that, at the end of that time, you'll decide whether to continue the relationship. And have everything in writing, so there's no confusion later.

Follow these guidelines when hiring your "man behind the curtain," and you'll be well on your way to seeing your company explode with monumental growth and record-breaking profits.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Three Hours a Week to Creating a Business That Runs Like Clockwork

By Rich Schefren

Have you ever said to yourself:

* I'm tired of having to do everything myself....
* I need to figure out a way to make more money...
* I wish I could find a way to work less and make more....
* My business is consuming my life - I have almost no free time...
* I can't seem to find the right type of people to help me grow my business...
* I wish I could spend less time putting out fires and more time growing my business...

I've heard all of these complaints time and again from overworked, over-stressed entrepreneurs.

The fact is, all of these issues are easy to fix. That's because they are the result of a business that's lacking systems. A business that's fully dependent on one person - YOU - for everything.

Installing systems inside your business... Standardized procedures for everything from customer service to marketing to product creation... Is the best way to eliminate all those problems.

Today, I want to give you everything you need to know about systemizing your business. I want to show you how to identify which areas to systemize... How to develop and write the systems... And how to implement them in the easiest way possible.

Once you have the right systems to run your business... And the right people to run your systems....

You'll be free to enjoy your life and do whatever you want to do.

A Few Hours for Just a Few Weeks

Now, I know... Organizing and systemizing your entire business may seem like a Herculean task.

But that's not the right way to look at it. It only requires you to make a small time commitment for just a few weeks.

Now, don't get me wrong. It'll take more than just a few weeks to have your business completely systemized. But, once you begin systemizing your business you'll actually free up lots of time. In other words, invest one to three hours a week to begin systemizing your business. Within a few weeks, you'll have already freed up more time than your initial time commitment to systemizing.

Let's take a look at the five simple steps you'll need to systemize your business. You're going to be amazed at the impact a few systems can have on your company.

Step #1 - Identify the Tasks to Systemize

Right off the bat, I suggest you keep a list. Call it your "Fix-It List." Write down everything that goes wrong inside your business that needs to be fixed. In an un-systemized business, problems occur all the time. So make sure to keep your list handy. It's important to write them down as they occur so you don't forget about them.

I strongly suggest you start your systemizing efforts here. For each problem you should use the Frustration Elimination Process I wrote about here.

Once you've eliminated the consistent problems in your business, you should create the following four lists to illuminate the next areas of your business to systemize:

1. Your most time-consuming tasks
2. Your most stressful tasks
3. Your most profitable tasks
4. Your most important tasks

Try to come up with at least 10 answers for each of those lists.

From these different lists you'll be able to choose the tasks and procedures you want to systemize first. I recommend you start with the most important parts of your business. To determine which one to start with, ask yourself this question:

Which problem or challenge, once eliminated, will reduce the most problems, free up the most time, and make the most money?

Step #2 - Determine Who Is Going to Create the System

If you work for yourself it should be pretty clear who is going to design the system... YOU!

But if you already have a team working for you... Then you've got an important decision to make.

When I began systemizing my first business, I felt compelled to do much of the documentation myself. It took me months to see that this was unnecessary. I caution you not to fall into the same trap.

What I'm sharing with you right now is a system for creating systems. Once you train your team to apply it, they'll easily handle 90% of the systemization work in your business.

Ideally if a task or activity falls inside the area of responsibility of a team member, that person should create the system. For example, let's say you want to systemize a marketing task. If you have an employee in charge of marketing, then you should make him or her responsible for developing the documentation for creating the system.

Step #3 - Record the Steps, Standards, and Guidelines

There are basically two steps to creating a system that standardizes and documents how work should be done in your business.

First, you decide on all the key elements of your new system.

Here are the five key decisions that must be made to design an effective system:

- Decision 1: Who Should Perform This Procedure?

If you don't define who is responsible for executing a procedure, by default you're responsible for it.

Ideally, you want to assign procedures to specific roles, not to specific individuals (i.e. the system should be executed by the receptionist, not Sally). Over time, you'll have all the responsibilities documented for each specific role in your company. If a person leaves and you need to hire a new employee, you don't have to change your entire policy and procedure manuals.

For any systemized procedure that requires several team members to complete, it's important to list their roles as well. This way every member of the team will be aware of what every other member of the team is doing.

That means they'll know who to expect a hand-off from... What they're expected to do... Who they need to hand it off to... And what that team member will be doing with it. The whole thing is designed to be a well-oiled machine.

- Decision 2: What Results Should This Procedure Produce?

Specific, measurable results make your entire business predictable. The only way you'll ever get predictable results is if you make your expectations clear, and design systems to achieve them.

Plus, as your business grows, your managers or leaders will have clear standards to evaluate an employee's performance.

And by clearly identifying the result the system is designed to achieve, you'll easily be able to identify whether the system is still relevant, useful, and effective when revisiting it in the future.

- Decision 3: When Should the Work Be Done?

The timing and frequency of when a procedure should be executed is often missing from entrepreneurial companies.

Is this procedure something that should be done daily? Three times a week? Every Monday? The first day of the month?

If you don't specify, the odds are exceedingly high the procedure will either be done haphazardly... Or not be done at all. Neither makes your business predictable or moves you closer to the successful business you want.

So, make sure every system developed in your business clearly identifies when and how often the procedure should be done.

- Decision 4: Why Is the Work Important?

Explaining why the work needs to be done helps ensure that team members achieve their goals.

Your team members need to know why something is important. Employees often see only their work process. They don't know how their work fits into the big picture. This makes it difficult to optimize your team's performance.

Another important reason to make sure you document why the work is important (especially online) is that things are always changing. What might have been a good reason for executing a system can change. By clearly documenting the reason the procedure needs to be done, you'll make it easier to determine (later on) if the procedure should be stopped, modified, or changed.

- Decision 5: How Should the Procedure Be Completed?

This step is what most entrepreneurs think of when they think about systemizing. It's where the rubber meets the road... Where the procedure is documented in a "step-by-step" manner. No matter who is doing the work, they can do it exactly the same way each time. And, more importantly, generate the same results each time, too.

If you're already doing the task or activity, the easiest way to record the process is to do the task or activity and record the steps on a piece of paper as you do them.

If the entire process is done on the computer, another way to document your system is to use screen capture video recording software (like Camtasia or Screenflow) while doing the process. Then after you're done, watch the video and record the steps.

If you're not currently doing the task or activity in your business... But you've decided it's something that should be done... I recommend you do some research to determine an exact procedure for completing that task.

When I am creating systems like these, I generally create a rough outline of the steps recommended... Then attempt to execute the process. Often I'll identify missing steps that I'll need to add to my outline when going through the steps on my own.

Documenting Your New System

After you've identified all of the system's key elements, you need to document your decisions. This can include checklists, details, pictures, diagrams, and videos.

Here's where all the steps we just covered come together into a formalized system. It absolutely must be done. Because the steps won't be followed, and the expected results won't materialize via
mind reading, a one-time conversation, or when it is discussed in a meeting.

An effective process must be set in concrete. That means creating it in hard copy. Then publishing it. And then ensuring it is implemented.

A mistake that many businesses make is that they don't have a formalized, consistent way of documenting their procedures. The problem with that is three-fold: First, important information is often missing. Second, it's not as easy to simply pick up a system and follow it. Third, it sends the wrong signal to current and future employees because it's sloppy and disorganized.

By making procedures identical in presentation, their individual instructions will come through loud and clear without becoming confused by various style or tone variations. This is where you come in. It's up to you to keep things on track.

That's why after each system is created and drafted, either you or one of your employees needs to standardize the systemized procedure into a formal document for distribution... And put it into your procedure manuals.

Use digital pictures with call-outs, checklists, arrows, and diagrams clearly defining exactly how each procedure is to be accomplished or what the end result should look like.

Step #4 - Test It Out and Tweak

The first draft of a system is almost always less than perfect. Once a new system is documented it needs to be tested.

I recommend that you test each new system in two ways.

First, have whoever developed the system follow the outlined steps to see if anything needs to be fixed. If anything needs tweaking, he or she can make the necessary corrections.

Next, give the documented system to someone else in your company. This person should have less knowledge than the system's creator. The goal here is to determine whether or not someone unfamiliar with the procedure can easily follow the system. This is normally where glitches will surface. Any issues should be sent back to the creator for revision.

The cycle repeats itself until someone other than the system creator can easily execute the system.

Step #5 - Install and Implement With Training

Now that the system has been tested out, there's one final step before it gets rolled out. That is your approval.

As the owner, you want to sign off on the new procedures incorporated into your business. You want to make sure each system is consistent with your overall vision and values, and in line with your strategic objectives.

Once a system has been approved, it's time to give it to anyone who will be responsible for executing it... And train them in executing it exactly as it's laid out.

The key is to train everyone to use the system. Insist that everyone do it per the company standard - no exceptions, including you. If anyone protests or has a better idea, let them put the item back on the "Fix-It List" for further revision.

Step #6 - Monitor and Improve

You or a manager should revisit your systems every six months. This way, you can ensure that they are being used properly and are working well. Continue looking for problems to fix... Things that go wrong... And systems that need improving.

One area that you (or your system manger) must revisit is this: Are employees following the systems exactly as they are documented? Your employees will not always want to follow the systems. Over time they may revert to doing things their own way instead of the company standard... If you let them. So don't let them. Simply have someone manage the systems and ensure they are being followed.

As you install more and more systems and train your employees to use them, your job will change. You'll transform from doer to coach... From micromanager to leader... And ultimately from entrepreneur to Founder. You will go from controller of the work... To manager of the systems... To a Founder who owns a business that is systemized.

A Final Warning

A word of caution: Be reasonable.

You don't want to create an unwieldy bureaucracy by writing up procedures for problems that are random or infrequent... Or problems that have little chance of resurfacing. You also don't want to create systems for insignificant activities either.

The danger of systemization is in creating too many insignificant systems... And ultimately being inundated with batches of rarely used procedures. This creates unnecessary complexity due to the sheer volume of information.

A good guideline is to only create systems you're willing to continually enforce. Only create systems you want executed exactly the same way every time. If it's not that important, then you shouldn't waste the time creating a system for it.

A System to Create Systems

What you want to create are the precise instructions for creating systems in your business. That way, you don't have to be the only one creating them. Consider it the "Mother of All Procedures": The outline for the several hundred systems that are necessary for your operation. This document ensures that each system will share the same tone and format.

I suggest you modify and personalize the steps I've just laid out for you. Make them your own. Detail exactly the steps that every system will go through from inception to it being installed and performed inside your company.

Monday, December 6, 2010

One Step Ahead: Curing business 'headaches' for good

7 Simple Steps to Permanently Eliminating the Problems
That Are Holding Your Business Back
By Rich Schefren

The chief cause of entrepreneurial failure is often what I call "death by a thousand cuts:" The relentless blitz of problem after problem caused by recurring inefficiencies and dysfunctional or missing systems.

All of this leads to constant fire-fighting and continual distractions. You end up dealing with the same headaches over and over again.

These time-wasters undermine your efforts to create and sell a good product that has a viable market. They also keep you chained to your business without any chance of ever achieving a true level of success - what I refer to as "Founder Status."

The key to getting rid of your recurring headaches is to find permanent solutions to your problems, rather than just address each problem temporarily.

Today, I'll tell you exactly how to eradicate these recurring headaches for good.

If you understand what I'm about to tell you... If you change the way you approach the problems in your business... I absolutely, positively guarantee you that your business life will change dramatically. You'll solve problems once and for all, your business will gain the momentum it needs to get increasingly better results, and soon you'll have more free time than you can ever remember.

One of the big secrets to true business success is this: Solve recurring problems once - and solve them for good.

I've talked before about how important it is to systemize your business. In fact, you can completely and permanently eliminate headaches by using systems.

So, when something happens in your business that you do not like - customers aren't happy, shipments are late, or bills aren't paid on time - here's what you do. Rather than just taking care of the obvious headache in front of you, do some detective work and figure out the real source of the headache.

In other words, don't just address the headache temporarily. Instead, find the source of the problem and get rid of it forever with a system.

Listen, a problem is not a disappointment just to be corrected and then written off. It's a wake-up call.

Yes, you correct the immediate negative effects. But then you must take a second step. This second step is key: You trace the problem to its root-cause... Then fix the root problem with a system to ensure the problem never happens again.

Addressing the problem and then taking this second step to permanently and systematically fix the cause of the problem... That's what distinguishes the entrepreneurs who become Founders from the entrepreneurs who are stuck in their business or the entrepreneurs who fail.

I want to share a personal business experience that clearly illustrates where you want to focus your efforts in order to achieve the best results.

Hiring an Idiot or a Breakdown in a System?

About six years ago, I decided it was time to grow my online business. Realizing there was no way I could do everything by myself, I hired two employees.

One of my new employees was David. He was a nice guy who knew computers much better than I did.

But things never worked out with David. He made mistakes constantly. He never delivered the expected improvements I was counting on. In the end, I had to let him go. To put it bluntly, I was convinced that David was an idiot.

For a normal, non-systems-perspective entrepreneur, David's idiocy would have been enough of an explanation. The thinking would go something like this: David is an idiot... I can't afford to have idiots working for me... So I need to fire David, and find someone smarter to work with me.

But a system-oriented entrepreneur (one destined for Founder-level success) would look at the whole problem differently. Instead of simply writing David off as an idiot, he would look at the overall business system and answer a few questions. Such as:

1. What was it about our hiring system that allowed us to hire an idiot?

2. What management systems could we create to alert us of David's idiocy earlier, so we wouldn't have suffered the consequences we did?

3. What trainings process should we have in place to train this idiot so either he would develop the skill set we required or we'd have known he was going to be a problem much earlier in the process?

You see, by looking at David's presence in the business as a breakdown of a system or systems, the systems-thinking entrepreneur can identify the root cause of how an idiot came to work for him in the first place.

The normal, non-system-thinking entrepreneur would fire David and immediately try to find a better employee. Sure, this would solve the immediate problem: Ridding the company of a bad employee. But it doesn't get to the root cause; there's no improvement to the business or the overall process of hiring. This opens the business up to a similar problem in the future.

You need to shift your perspective so you can see the systems surrounding you... And realize that every unwanted effect in your business is the result of a missing or faulty system.

By taking this "breakdown in a system" approach, you can make the necessary adjustments to prevent a problem from ever happening again. So the business doesn't make the same mistake again, and you can avoid a future catastrophe.

From this point forward, whenever a problem arises, instead of looking for a person to blame, look for a system to blame.

In other words, don't think about it as, "So and so let me down"... Instead, ask yourself, "What caused the system to deliver this result? Where and why did the system breakdown?"

Believe it or not, just this shift in thinking can set off a positive chain of improvements in your business.

Eliminate Headaches Permanently With the Frustration Elimination Process

If you've been struggling with any reoccurring issue, challenge, or problem in your business... And it feels like no matter what you do... It keeps resurfacing, showing its ugly head... That's all going to change from this point forward.

Now that you know the right way to redefine your problems (as missing or faulty systems), I'm going to show you an entirely new approach to solving problems in your business. And you'll be a pro at eliminating any problems from any business so they never reoccur.

In short, you're about to become more effective at solving business problems permanently.

To solve problems effectively, you must be able to:

1. Identify the real cause - the root cause - of the problem.

2. Create a new system to solve it.

Without a systems approach, most people's gut reaction is to focus on people, behaviors, and events associated with the problem instead. But once again, these are almost never the real cause of the breakdown, they're simply symptoms. Which means anything you do to improve the symptom (instead of the system) will be a band-aid approach at best.

Pay very close attention: The very next time somebody doesn't deliver, or somebody disappoints you, you need to stop thinking that it's that person's fault.

Just to be clear... This doesn't mean that the person isn't responsible for the error or failure; what it means is that if you had the right system in place, the problem wouldn't have happened. In other words, the person who disappointed you wouldn't have had the chance to disappoint you.

If you get this, if you use it to change the way you work, your business life will improve by leaps and bounds.

The Frustration Elimination Process is extremely simple. To show it to you in action, let's revisit the story I told you earlier about David, the idiot I hired when I first got serious about growing my online business.

1. Identify a problem in your business.

The problem is I have this idiot David working for me who's screwing up my business and costing me lots of money.

2. Reframe it as a systems problem - from who to what.

Our staffing system is not working properly; it's hiring idiots instead of winners.

3. Probe, get specific, and quantify to get at the root of the problem.

Let's see....

* Did I clearly define the job and the responsibilities before searching for a candidate?

* Did I interview properly to assess David's skill-set and to make sure it was a good fit?

* Did we conduct a trial run of some sort to make sure he was really what we were looking for, and we were really what he was looking for?

* Was training provided? And if so, how did it go?

* When did the first performance issue surface, and was it handled appropriately?

* And so on...

4. Get clear about the problem.

The real problem is we don't have an optimized hiring system. Therefore we're making costly mistakes.

5. Get clear about the outcome you wanted.

I wanted to hire a great candidate for the job, someone who could easily meet the job's current responsibilities, and become a valuable team member to help get our business off the ground. Plus, the new employee would go through a series of trainings to help get him/her up to speed in the shortest period of time possible. (I would actually go much further here, but you should be able to grasp the concept.)

6. Finish the sentence: "The solution is to install a system that will [outcome desired]."

The solution is to install two systems:

System #1 will locate, recruit, hire, and bring on board the ideal candidate for the responsibilities of the job... Someone who stands to become a valuable team member in our company.

System #2 will begin training the new employee before his/her first day, and then continue on for the first few weeks of employment to get the employee up to speed and productivity as soon as possible. This system will also serve as a confirmation process that the new employee is intelligent enough to stay in the position.

7. Define the specific system solution and assign the task of creating it.

Here in step seven is where the real systemization work is done.
Once you know the outcomes you want the new system (or systems) to provide, you can go about creating the system yourself... Or assign it to someone else inside your business.

As you can see, the Frustration Elimination Process is simple. But it is also extremely effective.

And ALWAYS REMEMBER: The more problems you handle this way, the fewer headaches you'll have in your business.

More importantly, the more systems you put in place, the easier it will be for your business to continually improve, and the less it needs you. Which means more time away from the business, more freedom, and ultimately more life to live.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Find Your Unique Why

By Francis Kong

A newsboy was standing on the corner with a stack of papers, yelling, "Read all about it. Fifty people swindled! Fifty people swindled!"

Curious, a man walked over, bought a paper, and checked the front page. What he saw was yesterday's paper.

The man said, "Hey, this is an old paper, where's the story about the big swindle?"

The newsboy ignored him and went on calling out, "Read all about it. Fifty-one people swindled!"

Looks like the boy in our story’s got potential. Potential to be a crook that’s what.

There is no short cut to success and you cannot cheat your way to being successful long term.

Some people are looking for the “One Big Thing.” Make a lot of money then retire. These people are not achievers. They’re simply lazy.

Denis Waitley says: For the high achiever, it's natural to seek out challenging goals because he or she has an inner, intrinsic drive to succeed. And success doesn't mean pet rocks, get-rich-quick schemes, lotto jackpots or chain letters. High achievers are looking not to receive, but to contribute, to give. They're looking for problems that are personally satisfying to solve. Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Warren Buffett, three of the wealthiest individuals in the world, eagerly go to work every day to face the challenge of solving a new and bigger problem. All could be playing Backgammon on a tropical island or two rounds of golf per day.

Since the accomplishment of a difficult task means more to the high achiever than any external motivation, it means that motivation will remain strong throughout his or her career. Think of how much stronger and more permanent such a motivation is compared to one that is extrinsic.

Suppose you choose a particular career because of the money. What happens when there's more money in doing something else? You're likely to abandon one path as soon as another possibility opens up, and eventually you'll find yourself wondering what you're really doing… maybe even who you really are.

Since there is no inner drive to stay on any particular path, the journey will be arduous, and motivation will tend to weaken whenever the external reward seems remote or out of sight. This is especially true with individuals who want a home business with high rewards and minimal risk.

Some people spend their entire lives wandering from one field to another, always looking for an easier way to find that pot of gold, never achieving a significant goal worthy of their inner potential.

I've met many people who fit this description. If they're in sales, they move from company to company, from industry to industry, for one product or service to another. They are very hard to keep on your hand held electronic address book or in your directory of contacts because they are always either coming or going or starting another new business of their own.

When that doesn't work, they get involved in sketchy enterprises, especially start-up-companies offering big, easy rewards, such as a wonder diet company where you can lose all the weight you want by eating anything you want and swallowing one amazing pill a day. They go from one Roman candle to another, from one "exciting opportunity" to another disappointment.

The problem is, money alone does not stimulate intrinsic motivation and therefore is a means, not an end. Money is like fuel for your car. It is not the destination. It is not the journey. It is only part of the transportation system. Make your "why" grab you by your very soul. You'll never be disappointed for very long. And you'll stay committed regardless of "stock market gyrations" or setbacks.

This week, find your unique "why" and pursue it with passion! Discovering your unique why should be the purpose of your life. Letting your unique why serve others is what brings meaning to your life.

Billy Graham says “There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches. The wrong comes when riches possess men.” Guess what the Bible has to say: “People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.”

So don’t fall into the trap.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The ‘Wil’ to win

Ask Go Negosyo - Column by Joey Concepcion (Philippine Star Business Section)

If you are not careful in the negosyo world, a smaller player, who is hungrier and more passionate with an improved business model and better product or service, can change the game. Before you know it, you have just lost the market.

There are stories of underdogs beating market leaders. We mentioned in earlier columns the story of Mang Inasal eating into the market of Jollibee, forcing them to buy Mang Inasal. Our very own Cosmos and Selecta brands are clear examples of underdogs who beat market leaders in the soft drinks and ice cream industry. Similarly, brands like Mekeni and CDO hotdogs, Champion detergent and so many others tell the same story.

Competition does bring out the best in people. It helps us strive to always find ways to reinvent ourselves. Keeping the fire and passion is the key.

Even in the entertainment world, the story of Willie Revillame is quite interesting. It has been about a year now since we met. He invested in a venture I started with my friend Boy Reyno. It was initially challenging to introduce him to groups that come from different social backgrounds. In the end, it turned out quite well. In fact, his introduction to Boy Reyno, who is also a top lawyer who provides legal guidance, eventually came in handy. I remember mentioning to Willie, as I invited him to the group, that you will never know when one of your partners will come to your rescue. At that time, he still had a perfect relationship with ABS-CBN.

Months after, his relationship with ABS started to deteriorate. I just read in the papers that Boy Reyno became Willie’s lawyer and successfully negotiated a deal with TV5. I personally thought that it was a risky move. But, I guess he had no choice, as his future was at stake. The longer he was out of TV, the faster people will forget about him.

From the short time that I got to know Willie, I can say that he is a survivor. Coming from a difficult background, he has a high adversity quotient who knows how to bounce back. He knows his business. Willie clearly has the passion, perseverance and persistence to succeed. He understands his market quite well.

Willie’s show challenges the high-rating shows of ABS-CBN and GMA7. The news programs during primetime are one of the highest rating shows on television. Placing a game show up against news programs is definitely a game changer. Atty. Gozon, who is a trustee and a good friend of Go Negosyo and who propelled the growth of GMA7 when he took over, will definitely not just sit down and watch.

But, I have to say -- Willie knows and understands his market well. He has the passion to be the best in his skills. He also has the strength in building his own brand, which is his name. These are the factors that determine the success and failure of many entrepreneurs. Yes, Willie is an entrepreneur. He also negotiated to be a co-producer of his own show in TV5.

Another game changer is the entry of his new co-host Shalani Soledad, who is of course the former girlfriend of PNoy. What a marketing coup! From nowhere, that “Aha!” idea comes at the best timing. It draws national attention, because everyone wants to know who she is as she has been a mystery to many. For that alone, the ratings will hit the roof. I congratulated Willie for an excellent choice.

I share this story, as the advocacy of Go Negosyo has shown me how many entrepreneurs in this country succeed. Sheer passion, determination and hard work are critical. But, then again, it is always important to strive to be the best in what you do. Always want to do better. This is what we call “reinvention and improvement of business model”. Keep having those “Aha!” moments. Think of new ideas to improve your business model.

The underdog Willie reminds me of other countless entrepreneurs who share the same triumphant experience. The next weeks will be interesting, as the battle of the networks keeps on getting more exciting.

* * * * * * *

Congratulations to our Go Negosyo trustee Myla Villanueva for being recognized as one of “The Outstanding Women in Nation’s Service”. Myla, who is also the Managing Director of MDI Group of Holdings, represented the information and communications technology industry. Congratulations Myla and your Go Negosyo family is proud of you.

We would also like to congratulate Cathy and Mike Turvill. Their Nurture Spa Village in Tagaytay was recently nominated at the Asia Spa Baccarat Awards as Destination Spa of the Year and Spa Retreat of the Year. Your Go Negosyo family wishes you luck. The Turvills would also like to invite everyone to vote for the Philippine Entry to the BBC World Challenge 2010. Our country’s entry is AIDFO – a social enterprise based in Bacolod that shares a technology that brings water to communities. Let us show our support by voting online and sharing this link to our family and friends (

The rest of the year is also a very busy time for more of our Go Negosyo entrepreneurs. Tintin Babao will be opening “The Grand Global Exporters and Importers Advanced Christmas Bazaar” on Nov. 17-21 in the World Trade Center. On Nov. 20 at 2-6pm, Go Negosyo will be presenting a live talk show on how to find the right negosyo opportunity. Other Go Negosyo entreps will be there to share their stories and tips.

The husband-and-wife teams of RJ & Vanessa Ledesma, Anton & Rache Diaz, and Gary & Janice Villanueva will also be launching “Mercato Centrale” on Nov. 21. It will be an ongoing weekend lifestyle market at Bonifacio Global City that will provide unique food and an extensive selection of healthy and organic options. It will also serve as an “Entrepreneurship Incubator” for food entrepreneurs, culinary students and student entrepreneurs. The incubator program will include a lecture series, group and/or one-on-one mentorship programs and similar mentor-related activities. Student groups who apply with the approval of their school will get stalls at a discounted rate. For those who are interested to reserve a stall at MERCATO CENTRALE, contact Rache at 09175318949 or

Monday, November 29, 2010

Can You Find the Key to Success and Personal Peace in Your Favorite Starbucks Drink?

By Rich Schefren

They're everywhere.

You come into contact with them from the minute you wake up to the minute you go to sleep.

* Your alarm clock, for instance.

* The gas pumps at your local service station.

* Your order at your neighborhood Starbucks.

* Even the clothes you wear, the shopping you do, and the communication tools you use.

All of these - and many more - are systems. Some - like your alarm clock - are very simple. Others - like the gas pumps and your clothing - are complex systems.

Just take a look around, and you'll see that systems and the subsystems they're made of are really all around you.

Take, for example, a simple coffee order. Walk into a Starbucks and you'll see well-designed systems in action. The lattes, espressos, and frappuccinos are made exactly the same every time, from store to store. This is the result of many complex systems, from the laboratories that create the drink mixes... to the trucks that deliver the milk and coffee to the stores... to the cashiers who take your orders... to the baristas who make your drink exactly the way you want .

Those systems result in a practically identical experience - from walking in the door to placing your order to sipping your drink - whether you're in Seattle, Washington or Delray Beach, Florida.

Systems make it easy to produce the same results every time. They're responsible for efficiency... Consistency... And reliability. They exist to achieve a goal: to wake up a sleeping person at 6:00 AM on the dot; to produce the perfect latte every time; to manufacture thousands of identical sweatshirts.

But systems are useful in other ways.

Systems Aren't Just for Starbucks

In fact, adopting a systems perspective can radically improve your personal life!

You see, our lives are composed of countless systems. Taken together, your personal systems add up to you. These systems are the invisible threads that keep the fabric of our lives together. And if there's an outcome we don't want, we can change it by making an adjustment to the system responsible for that outcome.

Imagine for a moment that you could distinctly see each of these personal systems. Then, if you weren't happy with the results an individual system was creating for you, you could pull it out, perfect it, and then place it back where it belongs. Now, imagine you did this for each and every system that comprises your life.

Think about how different your day-to-day experiences would be.

Right now, how would you describe your typical day? Is it a complex mess of events or is it a relaxed sequence of well-planned activities? Are your days chaotic or under control? Do you have enough money? Do you get to spend the time you'd like with friends and family? Does your life seem like an endless race around a circular track, or are you steadily improving - getting better results with each passing day?

Since your life is made up of simple systems, getting what you want out of life is simply a matter of improving your personal systems.

Stated more simply: The essence of your work, health, relationships, and results lies within systems that compose your everyday existence. And your goal is to see life for what it is, a collection of individual systems. With this clarity, you'll be able to extract and perfect each of these systems one by one before reinserting each back into your life.

There are many systems in your life that you've already got down pat. The odds are high that they're efficient and quick because you've already honed them to perfection. You've probably systemized driving a car, checking your email, fixing breakfast, etc.

But there are also many important systems that you probably haven't perfected and you don't have down pat. Systems to stay in shape, systems to keep in touch with friends and family, systems to invest your money, systems that keep you organized, etc.

Personal Systems Put You in Control of Your Life

I believe that if we are to be truly happy, if we're going to experience success and personal peace, we must have control. There's a direct relationship between the happiness we experience and the control we have. And I'm not talking about control over others. I'm talking about the control we have over the trajectory of our lives - where we are headed, and what we experience on our journey.

And you'll have all the control you need when you take control of the systems that make up your life.

Your job is to avoid becoming caught up in the "drama" of your personal life. Instead, you step outside, look down, and isolate individual systems. After deciding what you want the systems to accomplish, you can identify defects. Then you go about improving the dysfunctional systems, before backing off and occasionally (but routinely) monitoring the results and making any necessary adjustments.

What I'm recommending is that you start approaching your personal life the way an engineer approaches systems.

If right now you (or the people around you) would describe yourself as "flaky," then think through what sort of system you would need to return calls promptly, to pay your bills on time, to remember important birthdays and anniversaries, and to make sure you do whatever you promised.

With the right personal systems in place, you'll become consistent and reliable. People will trust you. They'll call you dependable instead of flaky. You'll be seen as someone to have complete confidence in.

Or, if right now you're not as healthy as you'd like to be, think through the systems you'd need to get and stay healthy.

Look, I fully realize when you change a current system or develop a new one you'll often come up against old habits, simple laziness, and procrastination. But by paying attention, great results often come quickly. And with those successes it becomes easier and easier to stay on course and reap the ever-compounding rewards.

A Personal System in Action

For example, awhile back I was disappointed with my personal productivity. When I analyzed the root cause, I became aware that my sleep routine was responsible.

So I went about modifying my sleeping system. The positive effects of this one change spilled over into almost every aspect of my personal life, improving my health subsystem, my family subsystem, and my productivity subsystem.

Before the change, I used to stay up late (sometimes really late) and wake up at a different time each morning. But I realized that my personal productivity plummeted after 9 PM. So I decided to change my sleep schedule (my sleeping subsystem).

Now, I go to bed at 10 PM. And since I only need 6.5 hours of sleep, I wake up every morning (naturally, without an alarm clock) full of energy at 4:30 AM. I'm on the stair machine by 5 - and do an hour on the machine. My two daughters wake up at 6 AM and we play games for an hour, till 7 AM, when my wife Debi wakes up. From that point on, Debi takes over - getting the girls ready for school, making them breakfast, etc...

By 7:15 AM I'm out the door headed for the beach. I arrive at the beach by 7:30 AM. There, I write in my journal for an hour till 8:30 AM. Then I swim in the ocean for 30 minutes, relax for another half hour, and then proceed to the office for our daily 10 AM meeting.

The Life-Changing Power of the System Approach

The reason I'm sharing this with you is this: Ever since I modified my sleep subsystem to this new format I've been sleeping better, feeling better, spending more quality time with my daughters, getting more done, losing weight, and feeling a lot better about myself.

That's the power of the system approach: One small tweak to a single subsystem can radically improve the performance of the entire primary system.

Truth be told, I could write dozens of pages just on personal systems. If I did, I would have a lot more space to share my personal systems and suggestions for how you can immediately dissect your own personal systems and the best approaches to improve them. I may in fact do that in an upcoming report. But for now, realize I've just laid at your feet a real secret of success. Your overall level of happiness can be positively impacted by heeding the advice I just shared with you.

So why not take a moment right now and identify a new or modified personal system that would positively impact your life? For me it was changing the time I went to bed every night, coupled with changes in my morning routine. Now it's your turn...

Identify a systematic change you could make in your life. Implement that change. And watch as it makes a huge positive impact on your personal life.

Monday, November 22, 2010


This is AWESOME ... something we should all remember.
A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each
morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably combed and shaved
perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.
His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After
many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled
sweetly when told his room was ready.
As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description
of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window.
I love it,' he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just
been presented with a new puppy.
Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait.'
'That doesn't have anything to do with it,' he replied.
Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.
Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is
arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it.
'It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice;
I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the
parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful
for the ones that do.
Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the new day
and all the happy memories I've stored away.. Just for this time in my life.
Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in.
So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank
account of memories!
Thank you for your part in filling my Memory Bank.
I am still depositing.
'Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.


For the first time ever, we will be having a grand laser light show (courtesy of Argon Animation Inc.) for the last Money Magnet seminar of 2010 happening this Nov 27 (Sat), 8 am to 6 pm, at the SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia.

You, your family and friends are invited to attend:
How to Become a Money Magnet Comprehensive Seminar


* The ultimate secret to wealth creation
* How to have a multi-millionaire mindset
* How to manage and grow your money

DATE: November 27, 2010 (Saturday)
VENUE: SMX Convention Center, SM Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City
For inquiries: Call 382-99-97 / 748-7646 or text 0905-2245908

TICKET PRICE: was P8,000 now FREE
Only P250.00* only to cover workshop materials and processing.
>> SM TICKETS: Tickets are available at all SM Cinema ticketbooths at all SM Malls nationwide. To reserve tickets, you may call SM Tickets at 470-2222.
>> TICKETWORLD: Tickets are also now available at all TicketWorld outlets: Ayala Malls (Glorietta, Greenbelt, Trinoma), Robinson's Department Stores, Selected National Bookstores and Music Museum. For reservations and inquiries call 891-9999 or buy online at
*Inclusive of workbook, pen and certificate of completion
*Meals not included


John Calub Fan Page:

Success TV Fan Page (This is my TV Show in RHTV)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

One Step Ahead: Get 110% Out of Every Employee

How to Get All Your Employees to Work Harder and More Efficiently and Devote 110% of Their Energy to Your Business
By Rich Schefren

As a business owner, it's easy for you to approach each new day with a sense of purpose. (At least, it should be!)

That's because you're building something of value; an asset; something that will become bigger than you are.

But have you ever thought about your employees? When they arrive at work each day, what - other than a paycheck - do they have to look forward to?

Fact #1 - The overwhelming majority of employees do not give their work 100% each day. That's not because they're bad people or lazy... It's simply because they aren't motivated to do their best each and every day.

Fact #2 - By giving your employees a bigger purpose... A better reason to contribute... A compelling reason to give their work everything they've got each day... You give your business a huge advantage over every other business you will ever compete with.

You see, at the end of the day, work and career can and should be much more than receiving money for services rendered. It's about feeling fulfilled; feeling good; knowing that you're making a difference, that what you do matters.

Everyone on this planet - including your employees - wants to feel that she's a part of something bigger than herself. That at the end of the day she did more than simply put in her time. It's much more fun and meaningful to be part of something big.

That's where your Core Myth comes in.

Your Core Myth is a story that defines what your business is all about. It's a story of passion, motivation, and the overcoming of obstacles. It's the narrative of what sets your business apart from all the rest. In other words it shows what makes your business unique and what differentiates it from the rest of your market.

This story takes on the role of a legend in the hearts and minds of your customers and employees. It clarifies the meaning and significance of the work being done inside your business. And it shows how your purpose and promise affects the daily lives of your team members.

Best of all, your Core Myth gives everyone who associates with your business a rallying cry that screams "This Business Is Different!"

It is THE story behind all the beliefs you want to reside in the minds of your team, customers, and marketplace.

Once you've completed your Core Myth, you'll want to expose it to as many people as possible, as frequently as possible, in as many different places as possible.

The first group of people you'll want to indoctrinate with your Core Myth is your business team.

Getting Your Core Myth into the Minds and Hearts of Your Team

This is your chance to turn your business into a big, worthwhile cause that your team can take on. Giving them purpose, meaning, and a greater sense of self... while creating a team that'll go the distance and invest every last ounce of effort they have in seeing your business succeed.

You can achieve this by giving your employees multiple exposures to your Core Myth. It's "spaced-repetition" that will drive the story and the beliefs deeper and deeper into the psyche of your team members.

I'll explain the easiest approach to achieve these multiple exposures in a moment. Keep in mind that your approach will be different for current and future team members.

First, let's cover how best to introduce your Core Myth to your team...

Get Current Team Members on the Same Page

The best way to roll out your Core Myth with your team is to call a meeting. Hand it out and tell everyone you wanted to tell them the story of how your business came into being.

Explain that the Core Myth is important:

* in order for your business to grow and have the impact you know it can have...
* to confirm the importance of the work your business is doing...
* and to recommit to the values and the mission of what your business was originally formed to accomplish.

Arrange for a follow-up meeting a few days later. Ask everyone to have read your Core Myth by then and to come to the meeting with critiques on how it can be improved.

After that meeting, arrange a follow-up meeting for several days after you've completed the revised edition. Tell them to read it again and come to this meeting with a minimum of three ideas for how to share it with your customers.

Remember the goal here is spaced repetition. So the more ways you can have them read and review it, the more powerful it will be.

Now that you've exposed your team to your Core Myth, you need to activate those beliefs.

Activation occurs when you get your team members fully engaged in the Core Myth. This is achieved by having them either create derivative works of the Core Myth, or centering contests on it.

Activation Through Engagement

While the possibilities are endless, for both contests and derivatives, these should get you started...


Derivative works are creations based on your Core Myth. Basically they could be anything. But in order for your business to extract the maximum value, it's best to have the derivative work done in the staff member's area of specialty.

For example...

* Copywriters could write a more compelling version of your Core Myth...
* Graphic designers could create a visual for the cover, add visuals to the story, or turn your entire Core Myth into a comic book...
* SEO specialists could pick the best keywords for the Core Myth and then create and optimize pages to offer it as a download...
* Customer support staff could create clever sound bites to share elements of the Core Myth with customers...
* A/V experts could turn your Core Myth into a video series...
* HTML pros could create special pages and break up the core myth on those pages to best engage site visitors...

The sky is the limit!


1. Write their stories - Have each team member write the story of what led him to your business. Tell him to study your story a few times.
2. Spreading the message - Have each team member submit three unique ideas on how best to get your Core Myth out into the marketplace. Then have the entire team vote on which idea is the best one, award a prize, and then have the entire team execute the winning submission.
3. The best title - Have each team member come up with a title for your Core Myth. Since a book's sales are often determined by its title, have each team member pretend she's a big shot publisher and she needs to come up with a title for your Core Myth that'll spark sales. Then give a prize to the winner.
4. The annual award - Schedule a team meeting. Have everyone review your Core Myth the day before the meeting. Then collectively determine criteria for an annual award for the team member that best exemplifies the spirit of your Core Myth. Then once a year, have everyone cast by secret ballot who they believe should win.
5. The best derivative work - Give each team member the assignment of creating a derivative work based on their skill set and then have the entire team vote on the winner.

The whole purpose of these contests and derivatives is to drive engagement by having your team study your Core Myth carefully enough to thoughtfully apply it in some other capacity.

Indoctrinate New Team Members at the Jump

When your Core Myth is in place, it can serve as powerful tool to get new employees started on the right foot with your company. Remember, it's a primary need of all human beings to want to belong to something bigger than ourselves. So, you can convey that working for your company is a chance to belong, a chance to make a difference, and a chance to really matter.

Here's one "spaced repetition" approach to exposing your new employees to your Core Myth.

Step #1 - Send your Core Myth to all job applicants with a cover letter stating that your business is a special place with a special objective. Ask them to read it - and email back their thoughts.

Step #2 - If they've passed the application process, ask them to read it again before you interview them because you'll want to ask them a few questions about it.

Step #3 - Have new employees read the Core Myth again on their first day. Afterward, have a meeting with them to discuss what they've learned about your business's purpose, promise, and values. Then ask them to take the next two weeks (during the course of their day-to-day activities) to spot any opportunities the business has to better live up to them.

Step #4 - Two weeks later, have a follow-up meeting to discuss any areas of the business that could be tweaked to better align with the Core Myth. End the meeting with another assignment: Ask the employee to come up with at least three ideas over the following two weeks for how the company could get more customers and prospects to know the Core Myth. Arrange another meeting two weeks later.

Step #5 - Two weeks later, meet with the employee again to discuss his ideas. If any of the ideas show potential, execute them. If none of them do, explain why.

After that, plug the new employee into the normal activities you are doing with the rest of your team to keep your Core Myth alive.

Getting Your Employees on Board to Help Your Business Grow

By getting team members to interact with your Core Myth and make parts of it their own, they'll personalize it... And it will have greater meaning for them in their professional and personal lives.

Indoctrinating your employees with your Core Myth will help everyone who works in you form a deep bond with your business. Not only will they believe fully in what your business is doing... They will derive great purpose and fulfillment from their jobs... They'll work harder and more efficiently... And they'll help your business grow into a successful company that you can be immensely proud of.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One Step Ahead: What's your purpose?

When starting and building an online business, clarity of purpose is of utmost importance. Are you completely clear about what your business is designed to achieve? How it will operate? And who your customers will be?

Well in today's One Step Ahead, you will discover the true purpose of your business, your products, and YOU as the business owner.

A few issues ago, we talked about you creating your ideal life. And that specific intent and purpose are necessary to avoid frustration and disappointment.

This time we're talking about the Ultimate Purpose of Your Business. Because you can't build the business that will create your ideal life, if you have not clearly defined its purpose.

It is essential that the questions I presented above be answered BEFORE a business is launched. And when launching your business, with clarity of purpose, it is likely that you'll have some additional questions, like the one we discuss in this week's Reader Q&A Session below.

Specifically, how to go about hiring your first employee. So that person will help your business grow, instead of holding you back.

To higher profits,


The Ultimate Purpose of Your Business
By Rich Schefren

Before you can design your business, you must be able to define the overarching purpose for your business's existence.

Without a purpose, you can't know (nor can anyone who works for you) what your business is striving to achieve, or why it even exists in the first place. And when a business operates without this understanding, the business can't help but struggle.

In a purposeless business, everything feels chaotic, harried, unclear, and even meaningless. Meetings can go on for hours with endless. Decisions are seemingly arbitrary. Everyone has an opinion but no one has the final word. Your team members wander around with no clear goals and no set path to follow.

Without a clearly-defined purpose in place, seeing the way forward is a real challenge.

A Purpose Stacks the Odds in Your Favor

The probability that your business will succeed skyrockets when you have a clearly-articulated purpose. That's because:

1. Purpose improves your performance - When you are clear about the primary purpose behind the time and energy you spend working on your business, it will drive everything you do. Your productivity will soar because you'll have criteria to judge the effectiveness of everything you undertake.

2. Purpose draws A-player employees and outsourcers - Humans are a passionate species. We want to engage in meaningful work. Yet most businesses are completely devoid of meaning. So when your business actively cultivates and communicates its purpose, the best employees, partners, and vendors want to work for and with you because you provide meaning to their lives.

3. Purpose deepens employee engagement and increases their commitment - When your business provides employees with meaningful work, plus something to believe in, your business benefits from highly-engaged, passionate team members who are in it for more than just a paycheck. Better yet, employees who work in the service of something they feel true devotion to will bring the most energy and vitality to what they do. Work is no longer a 9 to 5 job to be endured... but a source of fulfillment and satisfaction. And if your business faces a difficult, seemingly impossible challenge, it'll be your business purpose that'll tap into the hearts and minds of your team to make the impossible possible.

4. Purpose provides a road map for your team so your business doesn't get off track - You want to build a business that continues to grow without your direct involvement. For that to happen, everyone needs to know your purpose. A strong sense of purpose keeps everyone on track. It also provides the roadmap your team can use to chart their course. It ensures that everyone stays on track and your business doesn't end up in a ditch, stalled out with everyone confused as to how the business got there.

5. Purpose drives successful innovation - Innovation for innovation's sake often results in a lot of wasted time and energy. But innovation designed to facilitate your business purpose is where meaningful progress is made. With a clear purpose, you'll be able to drive innovation in a constructive and meaningful way.

6. Purpose gives your business flexibility - Products, services, and practically everything else in your business will eventually change. The only thing that won't change is your purpose - but how you go about achieving it is always subject to change. By clearly defining your purpose you'll know when it's time to shift direction, change what you offer, or anything else.

7. Purpose builds your brand - By clearly and consistently communicating your purpose to your prospects, customers, and the world, you tell the world how to label and position your company. Over time, this repetition will create a brand in the minds of those who matter most to you.

8. Purpose leads to personal fulfillment and happiness - With a clear purpose, you end up feeling good about what you're doing because you're clear about how it moves your business forward. You're excited to get up in the morning because you have something big to shoot for.

Defining your purpose gives your business a reason for existing that goes beyond making money... Yet it almost always results in making more money than you ever thought possible.

When you design your business to fulfill a purpose, it will drive the business and ensure that something remarkable happens with your product or service. Purpose starts with the leaders, works its way through everyone in your business, and finds its way into the products, services, experiences, and, ultimately, into the marketing.

Companies You Know

Before we start digging to discover your business purpose, let's look at some familiar companies and their purposes.

* Google - To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.

* Facebook - To give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.

* Wal-Mart - To save people money so they can live better.

* Disney - To keep the magic of childhood alive.

* Strategic Profits - To guide, advise, and nurture entrepreneurs to work less and make more while building the business of their dreams.

Discovering Your Business Purpose

Defining your business purpose helps you create a company that is capable of making a difference, making money, and - with a little luck - making history.

To discover your business purpose you must start with your customer. You need to find a deep-seated, unmet need that you're passionate about fulfilling in some unique way. Take a good hard look at the people you are trying to serve and find something thrilling to do for them.

The pursuit begins with a question: what do people need or want that we have (or could create) that no one else is offering them?

You always define your purpose from the point of view of your customers. In other words:

* What your products or services do for your customers...

* The effects your products or services have on the lives and work of your customers...

* The specific benefits your customers enjoy from using your products or services...

Think about a business that has a purpose based on detailed research of their market and customers. A purpose that's sure to fill a real need in the marketplace. Doesn't it make sense that a business designed this way has a much higher chance of success?

Your purpose has the greatest chance of success if it removes a pain, frustration, or challenge... In other words, if your purpose addresses or resolves a negative in the lives of your prospects and customers.

People spend an enormous amount of money, time, and energy avoiding pain. They avoid confronting neighbors, bosses, or spouses to avoid emotional pain. They gulp mountains of drugs to suppress physical pain. And they shell out good money on products that make their lives easier, happier, or better.

Short But Long Lasting

You should be able to articulate your business purpose succinctly, in one or two sentences. It should be broad, fundamental, inspirational, and enduring.

Don't confuse purpose (which should last at least 100 years) with specific goals or business strategies (which should change many times in 100 years).

Remember: you might achieve a goal or complete a strategy, but you cannot fulfill your purpose. Think of it as a guiding star on the horizon that lights your path from afar.

Your purpose doesn't need to be unique. The primary role of purpose is to guide and inspire; it's not a differentiating factor. It's entirely possible (although not probable) for two companies to have the same purpose.

Asking Why to Find Your Purpose

A powerful yet easy method for getting at your business purpose is the "Five Whys." You start with a descriptive statement, "We make X products" or "We deliver X service" and then ask, "Why is that important?" five times. After a few whys, you'll get down to the fundamental purpose of your business.

For example, let's take a look at Strategic Profits...

What does your business provide?
We provide products and programs to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses faster while working less.

Why is that important?
Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of the economy and most are unprepared for properly navigating their businesses.

Why is that important?
Without proper training, the entrepreneurs' workload skyrockets while their overall chances of success plummets.

Why is that important?
The entrepreneur ends up sacrificing friends, family, and fun for marginal profits at best, bankruptcy at worst.

Why is that important?
For most small business owners, the American dream quickly turns into a nightmare destroying their families and finances in one fell swoop.

Why is that important?
When a business succeeds (the right way) everyone benefits - the owner and her family, the employees and their families, the businesses that supply her, and the customers that buy from her.

What would the world lose if my business ceased to exist?
A beacon of hope, freedom, and success for entrepreneurs worldwide.

So, Strategic Profits purpose is:
To guide, advise, and nurture entrepreneurs to work less and make more while building the business of their dreams.

Okay, now it's your turn. Answer the following questions to get at your business purpose:

* What does your business provide?
* Why is that important?
* Why is that important?
* Why is that important?
* Why is that important?
* Why is that important?
* What would the world lose if we ceased to exist?

Once you know why your business exists and what it has to offer, you and everyone you work with will be able to move forward with a clear direction. And that almost guarantees more money in your pocket.

Resources To Grow Your Online Business...

If Your Business Isn't Growing, It's Dying!

Find Out How Rich Schefren Has Helped
Create More Entrepreneurial Millionaires
Than Anyone Else Online... Reserve Your
Spot For His Limited-Time Free-Access
Accelerated Business-Growth Course Now...
Special Online Event: Get Free Access Here:

Today's Question and Answer with Rich

Question: Hi, Rich. Thank you for all you do. Since I started following your advice, my business has been growing. Now I am ready to hire my first full time employee to help my business grow. But I am not sure who it should be. Any advice? Keep up the good work, from Sarah.

Rich's Answer: Great question Sarah. Who you hire for your first employee is a critical decision in a small but growing business. Hire the right person and your growth will greatly accelerate. But, hire the wrong person and it can set you and your business way back. So here's my advice...

In order to hire the employee that'll help you grow your business the most, you must first know the answer to this question:

Based on where your business is today, which would most quickly grow your business more?

(1) If you had more time yourself to do what you're already doing to bring in revenue...

or (2) If you're business possessed certain skills that you either don't have or are not that skilled at.

Here's why your answer to this question is vital to making the right hiring move.

If your answer is (1) then you need to look at your schedule, and identify the biggest uses of your time that are not revenue generating. Then hire someone to take over those activities, so you can spend a lot more time on the activities you do that generate income.

If your answer was (2) then you need to identify those specific skills that would grow your business and begin searching for an employee that has those skills.

To give you greater perspective, when I first started coaching online entrepreneurs, my answer to the above question was (1) so I hired a cracker jack assistant named Sheila who took so much off my plate I was able to quickly double the business.

But as soon as business doubled, the answer to the question was (2) because I didn't have the technical knowledge to do too many things I was certain would grow my business. So my second hire was Dan, who knew both marketing and had the technical abilities I lacked.

With just Dan and Sheila business soared. Within 12 months sales had grown by a factor of 10. And so had my personal income!

Congratulations on your success Sarah. If you choose right, get ready to be much more successful.

Post Your Question For Rich Here...

It could be answered right here, in One Step Ahead!

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

10 Things You Don't Know About Working From Home

10 Things You Don't Know About Working From Home

1. You'll suddenly realize that housewives are totally busy people -with hardly any breaks.
2. You'll be challenged not to work because your cute baby is staring at you, saying "play!".
3. You'll be asked constantly, "What do you want to eat today" by your spouse.
4. If you're not careful, that DVD collection will be your #1 distraction from work.
5. You don't remember when was the last time you took a bath/shaved.
6. You're suddenly more interested in nice looking shorts and pajamas in the mall.
7. Your cellphone isn't getting much use unlike before.
8. When you walk to the neighborhood park, pool, all you see are yayas and their wards.
9. When it rains, you're happy you're indoors and won't be going anywhere!
10. In the hot months, you're happy that you can afford an aircon for your room!

So there it is --the honest good and bad. Find out how you can work from your nice bahay --even if you're already abroad:

Nilo M. Sarmiento

P.S. Don't worry, this is no s-c-*a-m. I know the guy. Read and judge for yourself:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Do You Save Or Invest?

There’s A Big Difference!

I’m writing this from Israel.
I met OFWs or Overseas Filipino Workers here.
I am taking a 10-day pilgrimage.
Their “pilgrimage” was much longer: 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years…
According to my Israeli friend, there are 70,000 Filipinos in Israel.
All of them separated from their families.

Where Do You Put Your Savings?

When I meet them, I like asking, “How much savings do you have?”
Their answers were all the same:
“Not much.”
“A little.”
“Kaunti lang…”
When they say they have savings, I ask them, “Where do you put your savings?”
All of them (without exception) say the same thing: Bank.
So I ask them, “How much interest do you get from the bank?”
Most of them don’t know.
Some know.
Some say, “one percent a year”.
Oh, I felt so sad for them!
They’re trapped to work in a foreign country—separated from their kids—for many years. And when they come home, they have nothing!
That’s when I remembered my house helpers.
My house helpers—earning a tiny fraction of what these OFW’s are earning—are now building their investments. They will retire millionaires.
I’m not kidding.
I wrote an eBook, My Maid Invests In The Stock Market… And Why You Should Too. (It’ll soon be a printed book. Watch for this.) I give this eBook to my TrulyRichClub members.
Because of the financial literacy I taught my helpers, they don’t put their long-term savings in banks. They’re wiser. They now invest their little savings each month in the Stock Market.
After one year of investing, one of my helpers has P65,000 and the other has P63,000 invested in the Stock Market. That may be tiny for you, but that is gigantic for them. They’ve never owned that much money before.
In 20 years, if they remain faithful to the investing method I taught them, they’ll have 5 million pesos. Not bad for domestic helpers working in Manila!
Friend, if you want to invest in the Stock Market, I’m inviting you join my TrulyRichClub. In the Club, I’ll teach you the very same method I taught my helpers. I’ll suggest an online broker for you—so you can buy stocks via the internet. I’ll tell you the companies you need to buy. I’ll tell you when to buy and when to sell. I’ll even give you a “buy below” price, to lessen your risk.
Warning: My TrulyRichClub isn’t just about the Stock Market.
In the Club, I’ll teach you about a spiritual mindset that’s very important to grow your wealth.
Friend, do you save or invest?
There’s a huge difference.
People who just save remain poor.
People who invest (in the right way) become rich.
Don’t waste your time.
If you don’t start now, when will you do it?
Stop delaying.
For more information on my TrulyRichClub, click the link below.

Yes Bo, Teach Me How To Invest In The Stock Market;
Teach Me Also The Right Spiritual Mindset To Wealth!

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Give Your 10,000 Hours— And You Will Succeed

By Bo Sanchez

Today, I’m giving you good news.
You can succeed in life.
Anybody can.
Because time is the great equalizer.
Every human being is given the same amount of time. A billionaire in New York has 24 hours. A beggar in Quiapo has 24 hours. It’s really what we do to those 24 hours that impacts our lives.
Malcolm Gladwell wrote about the 10,000 Hour-Rule in his book, Outliers. He believed that greatness requires the giving of enormous time—approximately 10,000 Hours.

The Phenomenon From London—
Or From Germany?

One of his examples was The Beatles.

The Beatles is the most successful band in the history of music. You must forgive me as I will only tell you what I heard from others. Growing up, I actually never heard The Beatles. I’m only familiar with Charise Pempengco and Sarah Geronimo. (Wink.)
Some say The Beatles were very successful because they were simply super talented.
Not completely true.
Talent isn’t enough.
Talent is over-rated.
Do you know of very talented people who are unsuccessful?
I do. I also know there are millions of them around.
According to Gladwell, The Beatles were successful because of what happened in Hamburg, Germany from 1960 to 1964.
What was so special about Hamburg, Germany?
Not that they paid well. (They didn’t.) Or that they had the best equipment. Or that they had the best music scene.
Hamburg was special because . . .

(To continue reading Bo's inspiring article, click here.)

PS. Do You Want To Feed Your Soul By Receiving KerygmaMagazine Every Month? Join my international, borderless, non-physical, virtual community called the KerygmaFamily. Donations are optional. But if you decide to donate at least P300 a month (local) or P20 a month (international), you’ll receive an inspiring copy of Kerygma magazine mailed to your home every month. Be blessed by God’s Word! I’ve been publishing Kerygma for the past 20 years—and it has blessed millions of people worldwide. When you join KerygmaFamily, aside from Kerygma magazine, you’ll receive a truckload of spiritual food to help you grow in your personal life. You won’t regret it. For mor e information, click below:
Yes Bo, I Want To Join The KerygmaFamily

PS2. You’re Already A KerygmaFamily Member? Then here’s another Food for the Soul for you: Get GodWhispers twice a week. They’re very short, sometimes humorous, and always inspiring love letters from God to you. You’ll be blown away. It’s Free. Log on now at now!

Monday, September 20, 2010


You are invited to...


Comprehensive Seminar

"Be A Multi-Millionaire By Using The Most Powerful Money Management System In The World"

Hi everyone! After doing a couple of Money Magnet seminars last June and July, thousands of people across the country wrote us requesting that we run it again. Due to insistent public demand, we are again opening doors this Christmas season to all Filipinos nationwide to receive a scholarship for this course. This is your big chance to give the gift of financial freedom to yourself, your family members, relatives and friends. Below are the details:

Date: October 16, 2010 (Saturday)

Time: 8 AM to 6 PM

Venue: SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia, Pasay City

Regular Ticket Price: P8,000.00

Christmas Season Promo: Regular charge is WAIVED! Pay ONLY P250.00 (to simply cover your own course materials and processing fee).

Where Do I Get Tickets?

Good news! Tickets are now available at all SM Cinema Ticketbooths at all SM Malls nationwide. Call the SM Tickets Hotline at 470-2222 to reserve tickets.

As you well know, the each Money Magnet seminar last June and July got sold out quickly. So we would like to encourage everybody to get their tickets as early as now.

Lastly, may I ask for your loving support to our mission of sharing financial literacy to our fellow Filipinos, so that we can help everyone get out of debt and achieve financial independence? Please kindly forward this e-mail to your loved ones and friends and personally invite them to take advantage of the scholarship to this course.

To your financial success,

John Calub

CEO and President

John Calub Training

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to use your pain to achieve great success

By Bo Sanchez

I know people don’t like pain.

I know I don’t.

We avoid it at all costs.

That’s why many people avoid diets, doctors, and dentists.

Because we don’t like pain.

But let me give you a startling fact.

You need pain to survive.

You need pain to succeed in life.

In fact, all permanent success comes from pain.

Any success that doesn’t come from pain will be short-lived.

Check out Lotto Winners.

Yesterday, I was reading the story of Michael, a garbage collector who won $15 Million from Lotto. But after just a few years, he lost all his money and is now trying to get his old job back as a garbage collector.

Another guy named Jack won a staggering $315 Million from Lotto. But he too lost everything after less than 10 years. But he didn’t only lose the money—he also lost his family.

They’re not alone. Go ahead, google “Lotto winners lose money” and you’ll get hundreds of true-to-life tragic stories.

In fact, many Lotto winners say it was a nightmare and wish they never won. Because of winning, their marriages broke up, their families disintegrated, their children turned to drugs, and they lost all their happiness.

Easy come, easy go.

I repeat: Real success comes from pain.

If it didn’t come from pain, it isn’t real success.


Let me talk about Hypothermia.

Hypothermia is a physical condition whereby your body’s core temperature drops below 35 degrees Celsius and shuts down all functions. Including your ability to feel pain.

Remember Titanic?

Our hero Jack died of hypothermia.

And many people who escaped Titanic before it sank eventually died of hypothermia in the freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Because they could no longer feel the pain, they just slept and drowned.

Mountain Climbers conquering in Mt. Everest, who get trapped in sub-zero temperature, try hard to wake themselves up. They intentionally give themselves pain to survive.

What does this have to do with you?

Let me explain.

Do You Suffer From Spiritual Hypothermia?

I know of people who have Spiritual Hypothermia.

They’ve become so comfortable in life.

They’ve become soft. They’ve become lax. They’ve become sleepy. And their life has become meaningless. They have no more burning dreams in their lives. And they’ve started to die a slow death.


There’s no pain in their life.

I now realize that pain is essential to grow in any area of your life—spiritually, relationally, or financially.

How do you wake up from spiritual hypothermia? Pain.

In fact, there are three sources of inner pain.

The 3 Sources Of Inner Pain

The first pain comes from Grief.

The second pain comes from Greed.

And the third pain comes from Giving.

Let me discuss grief first.

First Source Of Inner Pain: Grief

I can’t prove this with a scientific research.

But from the past 30+ years of meeting first-generation financially successful people, 90% of them went through intense pain before they achieved success. And they were able to use that inner pain to fuel their rise to the top.

Let me share with you 4 very successful people and how they used their pain to become successful in life.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar is a bestselling author and one of the most well-loved motivational speakers in the world.

Yet he grew in poverty. Zig was number 10 of 12 children. And to make things worse, his father died when he was 6 years old.

And life was very hard.

As a small child, he had to work. He worked in a grocery store from 4:30 in the morning to 11:00 near midnight everyday. In case you can’t do the math, that’s an 18-hour workday. For a kid!

Fast forward a few years later, poverty still followed him.

When Zig got married, he applied as a salesman.

But for the first two years, he couldn’t sell his products.

So he had to sell his furniture just so he and his wife could eat. When his daughter was born, the hospital bill was $64. He didn’t even have $64—and had to go out and sell something so he could take his family home.

It was these hardships that fueled his desire to succeed in life.

And succeed, he did. In one year, he became the number one salesman of his company. And later on, he set up his own company and became very successful in life.

Mary Kay Ash

When her marriage failed, Mary Kay was a single mother with 3 kids. And she could hardly make ends meet.

At that time, she was working as a saleswoman in Stanley Home Products, but she wasn’t doing too well in her job. When the company had an annual sales conference, she wanted so badly to go. But she had no money.

So she borrowed money to go there. She also brought with her a bag of biscuits. That was what she ate for the three days conference.

But in that conference, she saw a salesperson go up on stage to receive the Number One Salesperson of the Year Award. When she saw that, she went up to Mr. Stanley, the owner of the company, and told him that she’ll be the next person who will win that award. He smiled and said, “I believe you will.”

The following year, she did go up that stage to receive the Number One Salesperson of the Year award.

Later on, she built her own company, Mary Kay Cosmetics.

When she died in 2003, that single mother’s company had 800,000 saleswomen and making $2 Billion in annual sales.

Anthony Robbins

Tony Robbins grew up in a poor family.

He would steal food in grocery stores—just to be able to eat.

He couldn’t even pay for his rented room.

His electricity was always about to be cut off.

And he couldn’t answer the phone because he owed money from everyone he knew.

One of his most painful experiences was falling in love with a lady, but watching another suitor win her heart. The suitor picked her up in a very expensive car. Tony knew the girl loved him, but she also wanted to be comfortable. He knew he couldn’t provide this for her, and he felt totally worthless.

All this pain became his driving force to get out of is hole.

Tony eventually started 15 companies and created phenomenal success. This once-upon-a-time janitor has become an advisor to three US Presidents, including President Clinton, and other heads of states, such as Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterrand, and Nelson Mandela.

Joe Girard

Joe Girard had one business failure after another.

One day, he found himself without a job, without money, without savings. He experienced a whole year of poverty.

One morning, his wife told him, “Joe, we have no more food. And our kids are now out on the street begging.”

That day, Joe left the house, applied as a car salesman.

He resolved in his heart that he had to sell a car that day so he could feed his hungry kids.

Before the day was over, he sold a car. He borrowed $10 from his manager. He rushed home with a brown bag of groceries. He was so happy that his family had food to eat that day.

All this pain became a burning fire in him to change his life.

In a few years, he became the Guiness Book of World Records’ greatest car salesman in the world. The typical car salesman sold 7 cars a month. Joe Girard sold 6 cars a day. Or 150 cars every single month.

Use Your Pain From Grief

Pain is fuel.

But like real fuel, it can do two things.

Fuel can catch a spark and explode, destroying everything around it. Or it can be harnessed in an engine and power a rocket to the moon.

What am I saying? Pain can destroy you or develop you.

It depends on how you respond to your pain.

If you respond with faith, pain can be the inner driving force that can change your life. Pain can be your fuel to rocket your launch to success.

Right now, you may be experiencing a lot of pain.

Perhaps you’re family life is a mess.

Perhaps you’re job situation is very tough.

Perhaps you always have no money.

Friend, this is not the end of your story.

You can overcome.

You can rise above your problems.

You can use your pain and make it fuel for you to succeed in life. You can rocket your way out of your pain and into prosperity.

But just as a warning, let me talk about the second source of pain…

Second Source Of Pain: Greed

Greed is painful.

Greed will not let you sleep, rest, or become complacent.

Some rich people become rich because of greed.

Perhaps they started with grief. Perhaps they grew up poor and had so much pain making ends meet—and this started their journey to wealth.

But after awhile, greed took over.

No matter how much money they have, they want more and more and more. They’re never satisfied. Their greed keeps manufacturing pain. They want bigger homes and bigger cars and bigger yachts and bigger diamonds.

But this kind of inner pain is deadly. It’s the pain that will ultimately kill. Because greed leads to empty success.

I compare Greed to Gluttony.

I know someone who is obese.

He weighs 340 pounds.

And yet every time I see him, I see him eating.

Every time we meet, I see him holding a hamburger, a cheesecake, a burrito, or a bag of chips.

I ask him, “Why are you still eating?”

While chewing, he says, “(Chomp) I can’t (Chomp) stop (Chomp) eating.”

“But it’s killing you!”

“I (Chomp) know (Chomp).”

In the same way, a greedy person is so obsessed with money, he doesn’t stop working even if his way of working is killing him.

Thankfully, there is another kind of inner pain.

A beautiful, liberating, and transformational pain.

Third Source Of Inner Pain: Giving

Giving is self-imposed pain.

Giving is voluntarily chosen.

By the way, when you give, and you don’t experience pain, you didn’t really give. Your giving is fake.

When you give, it must hurt you.

When you give, it must shake you up.

When you give, it must disturb your existence.

When you give, it must wake you up from your complacency.

When you give, it must rock your world so much, it creates a hunger in you to keep on earning money so that you can keep on giving.

The Bible says, I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing. (2 Samuel 24:24)

That is why this pain heals.

This pain gives joy.

This pain blesses you.

It’s a cheerful pain!

This pain comes when you give.


Success Must Have A Reason

Success must have a reason.

And I have found my reason for Success!

I’ve asked this question many times: Why do I keep working, striving, dreaming, growing, expanding, and increasing?

I have enough. Really.

My family and I have clothes on our back.

We have a roof over our heads.

We’ve got food on our table three times a day.

We even have family vacations.

I repeat: We’re okay.

Why do I keep working? Why do I keep expanding my businesses? Why do I try to earn more?

There’s only one answer: So I can give more.

So I can love more.

So I contribute more to God’s work.

So I can give more to God’s poor.

Oh believe me, I’ll never run out of dreams!

The dream of the Kingdom is like the burning bush in my heart—unquenchable and eternal.

I pray that you find your reason for success.

I pray you transform your pain—either from grief or giving—into fuel. Fuel to reach your dreams.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

PS. Rise from your pain! And succeed in life. How? I’m personally inviting you to join me in my TrulyRichClub. Thousands have already joined and are already transforming their lives. Through the TrulyRichClub, I’ll guide you to achieve financial and spiritual abundance. I even teach you how to invest in the Stock Market. (This Friday, I’ll send out an “emergency” Stocks Update because the Stock Market is going up so fast and I don’t want you to miss this. I’ll narrow down your choices to the top 5 companies you need to invest now. Sign up to get this week’s Stocks Update report.) For more information on how to become a member of my TrulyRichClub, click here: now!

PS2. Do you want to improve efficiency and double Sales and Productivity? Join my friend Rudy Torres’ one day life-changing seminar for an investment fee of only P2500 and get six (6) free VCD’s/CDs worth P7462.00. This Seminar will be held at the Ateneo Professional School, 20 Rockwell Drive, Rockwell Center, Makati City, on September 30, 2010 (Thursday) from 9am to 5pm. For more info click here or go to now.

PS3. Do you want to invest in real estate but you’re frustrated because you don’t have any capital? International real estate guru, Trace Trajano taught 163 people in a seminar how to raise capital. With Trace’s help, beginning real estate investors were able to raise a combined P31 Million in just 31 minutes. Trace wrote an ebook to summarize what he taught those students. Click here.